Tag: LINCO Research & development

LINCO in Philippines LINCO en Filipinas

LINCO in Philippines

  LINCO has signed a representation agreement with the Philippine company Australia Farm Innovations (AFI).

12/07/2018 0
LINCO in Madagascar Actico Hatchery LINCO en Madagascar Actico Hatchery 1

A new quality standard has arrived to Madagascar

  The company Arbiochem has just started up their new hatchery “ACTIVO”,

06/07/2018 0
LINCO in América Central

LINCO in Central America

  LINCO has signed a representation agreement with the Costa Rica company Cartasa De Sol S.A.

05/06/2018 0
LINCO Shannon Vale Food

New LINCO Hatchery in Ireland

New LINCO Hatchery in Ireland Shannon Vale Foods have started up their new Grange Hatchery in Newcastle West, Ireland.

04/06/2018 0
LINCO Incubator in Bangladesh

REAL Single-Stage – now also in Bangladesh

The Dhaka based Company “Abir Poultry Hatchery & Process Ltd.”

23/02/2018 0
LINCO Incubator Thoong Sen

Thoong Sen Breeding Farm Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)

 LINCO Incubator Thoong Sen Producing Quality Chicks were the business

23/02/2018 0
LINCO-Danhatch-special-rugeri LINCO Incubator ApS

Ecologic & Slow-Growing hatchery in Denmark

LINCO Incubator ApS This hatchery has been planned with a final capacity of 20 mill. chicks per year and in the first step LINCO have installed 25 % of the capacity.

22/02/2018 0
LINCO Incubator ApS in Malaysia kami Farming

Kami Farming Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)

  LINCO Incubator  in Malaysia

22/02/2018 0
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