Water Hydraulik Turning – Simple – Low Maintenance
Finished washing a setter, – switch it on and the turning alarm sounds . . . most hatchery workers know this situation! Thorough washing often cause water to enter into the electric components of the traditional turning system, – in fact most setter alarms are trigged by turning system.
To ensure bio-security on top level, LINCO designed a very simple Water Hydraulic Turning System, completely without electric components inside the setter cabinet, – and now washing can be done without normal limitations.
The 3 positions (left-center-right) are controlled by a special designed double cylinder, and the required tray position is achieved only by combining the in-out position of the cylinders.
All moving parts are suspended in Teflon bearings, – and the trolleys connect/disconnect automatically to the turning system when the setter is started/stopped.
Key-components are made in Stainless steel, and as optional the complete turning system is available in stainless steel.
Using clean (RO) water to power the turning system, ensure that bacteria don’t sneak into your machines, – clean and clear as the water used!