IPPE Atlanta 2020

Atlanta again impressed with a well-organized and exciting event.
The IPPE Exhibition has for a line of years been growing, developing and attracting strong attention, – and this year was not any difference.
Also this year LINCO Incubator had the opportunity to meet with old and new friends in the business, and to discuss the new design and opportunities that has been introduced recently.
Meetings with new representatives and new customers from LATAM as well as other parts of the world, was another achievement in the 2020 IPPE Atlanta.
All together a great experience.
Animal Welfare Atlanta Atlanta Exhibition Chick Quality Chicken Breeding Customer Care Duck breeding Hatcher Hatcheries Hatchery Hatchery Design Hatchery Managment Hatching High Bio Security incubator Incubator Expertise IPPE IPPE 2020 LINCO LINCO Incubator LINCO Incubator ApS LINCO Incubator Research & development Multi Stage Multi Stage Incubator Narrow HatchWindow Poultry Real Single Stage Real Single-Stage Incubator Setter Single Stage Single Stage Incubator Technical Engineering turkey breeding turkey projects