Aman Hatchery goes REAL Single-Stage

When the management of Aman Hatchery decided to improve the results for better quality chicks production by changing to REAL Single-Stage, they filled up the remaining space in their existing hatchery, “Aman Breeders Ltd.” in Jainabazar (Gazipur) site, 70 km north-east of Dhaka, with LINCO Incubator equipment.
Shortly after the Jainabazar project was put in operation, LINCO supplied all equipment to “Aman Chicks Ltd.”, new hatchery in Sonapur (Noakhali), 220 km south-east of Dhaka.
With 70 units in operation so far, Aman has become one of the market leaders over last half a decade in poultry production in Bangladesh – and new projects are already being planned.
The General Manager, Mr. Abdul Aziz, tells:
“We quickly noticed better results from the LINCO REAL Single-Stage – not only in the quantity, but also in the general quality and performance of the chickens – we are very happy with our choice”.
Mr. Rafiqul Islam (Chairman, Aman Group) , Mr. Shahid Khaza Hassan (MD, Projukti Group),
Mr. Shamsul Islam (CTS, Aman Group), Mr. Harry Sørensen (MD, LINCO Incubator )
Aman Chicks Ltd. Aman hatchery Animal Welfare Chick Quality Chicken Breeding Customer Care Duck breeding Hatcher Hatcheries Hatchery Hatchery Design Hatchery Managment Hatching High Bio Security incubator Incubator Expertise LINCO Aman hatchery LINCO in Bangladesh LINCO Incubator Research & development Multi Stage Multi Stage Incubator Narrow HatchWindow Poultry Real Single Stage Real Single-Stage Incubator Setter Single Stage Single Stage Incubator Technical Engineering turkey breeding turkey projects