Modular Cabinets
The Modular construction of LINCO machines allow the cabinets to be extended by adding only panels, trolleys and trays.
The use of lock bars for assembling and panel size to be equal to trolley size, allow hatcheries to start their Single-stage operation with smaller setters. When the production increase the hatchery can extend the setters step by step to maximum size at low cost.
We will not recommend to store eggs more than 7 days. To have the best utilization of the Parent Stock the eggs should be divided in minimum 4 age-groups for incubation – thus there is a need of minimum 12 setters to obtain maximum benefit of Single-stage operation.
Sample project: Thoong Sen in Malaysia
Animal Welfare Chick Quality Chicken Breeding Customer Care Duck breeding Hatcher Hatcheries Hatchery Hatchery Design Hatchery Managment Hatching High Bio Security incubator Incubator Expertise LINCO Modular Cabinet Modular Cabinet Multi Stage Multi Stage Incubator Narrow HatchWindow Poultry Real Single Stage Real Single-Stage Incubator Setter Single Stage Single Stage Incubator Technical Engineering turkey breeding turkey projects