LINCOOL – increasing Hatcher Cooling Capacity


Increased fertility percentage in the older breeder flocks,has put pressure on the hatcher cooling systems in most hatcheries. The embryos of the bigger eggs develop more heat, – this was earlier balanced by a lower fertility percentage, – but new challenges has now appeared. Especially in the summer season with high ambient temperatures, the hatcheries are now being challenged.


With a traditional cooling system the easy solution is to install more cupper tube in the hatcher, – but beside increasing the cooling capacity, this also increase the time needed for cleaning, increase condensation water in the floor, and it obstructs for the ventilation/air flow in the cabinet.


By integrating cooling system in the cabinet panels, LINCO hatchers have always provided the best bio-security and optimal conditions for the chicks, – and our wish to remain in the leading position in hatcher design, pushed our design engineers to do something extraordinary.


The result was the new LINCOOL panels, – a solution giving more than double cooling capacity, without sacrificing easy cleaning and optimal hatcher environment.


With direct cooling transmission through the more than 4 sqm stainless steel surface, the LINCOOL panels provide sufficient cooling power to  handle even the strongest challenges. Adding the cooling in the area behind the strong centrifugal fans, ensure that the chickens cannot be exposed to temperature radiation, – the air is effectively mixed before entering the hatcher trays.


LINCOOL inside



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