In the past week first step of a brand new layer hatchery was installed in the company PT Sahabat Ternak Jaya, North Sumatra, Indonesia.


PT Sahabat Ternak Jaya is a family owned company. It first started as a poultry shop in 1982 and is gradually growing into one of the biggest commercial layer businesses in the region. The production capacity has been growing constantly over the years, and now the need of Layer chickens has reached a level where they need to have their own hatchery.

The CEO of PT Sahabat Ternal Jaya, Mr. Hendri Chandra, tells that with the REAL Single-Stage technology from LINCO, our layers will always be of the best quality, and this will allow us to increase our market share even more.

The hatchery is planned to have two hatching days per week in this first step, but during the coming 2 years, it will be expanded by 300%. When the extensions are executed, hatchings will be 4 days per week or more.

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